Opening Hours
Mon | 8:30-1pm | 2pm-5:30 |
Tue | 8:30-1pm | 2pm-5:30 |
Wed | 8:30-1pm | 2pm-5:30 |
Thu | 8:30-1pm | 2pm-5:30 |
Fri | 8:30-1pm | 1:30pm-4:00 |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
Emergency Treatment
If you have a dental emergency always contact us by telephone as early as possible: lines open at 8.30am, we always leave blank appointments for emergencies and should be able to accommodate you if you contact us first thing in the morning.
Out of hours emergency dental care is provided by Revive Dental Care. It can be accessed via their Dental Helpline on 0161 476 9651 from 9am to 9.30pm every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays.
The service is provided according to strict clinical criteria, and when you call you’ll be assessed by a member of their clinical team to make sure your problem comes under either:
• Trauma – this is usually caused by a blow to the face, a lost filling is not classed as trauma
• Swelling of the face
• Bleeding – uncontrolled, such as after an extraction
• Pain that can’t be controlled by pain relief medicines.
If you’re given an appointment and your problem doesn’t fit any of the above, you’ll still have to pay the NHS fee but may receive advice and not treatment.
Clinic times vary, and at busy times or when your local clinic’s not available you may be offered an appointment at an alternative location.
For dental advice outside these hours call the NHS 111 service free of charge from any phone by dialling “1 1 1”
We do our best to accommodate everyone at the practice. We have a wheelchair accessible downstairs surgery in which all the dentists spend at least one session giving patients a choice of who they can see.
We have a hearing loop for those with impaired hearing.
On street parking is available opposite the practice for those with a disabled parking badge.
Making a Complaint
While we always strive to do our best for all our patients, we appreciate that there are times when you may not be completely satisfied.
If there is cause for you to make complaint or have any concerns about our services –please ask to speak to our practice manager and complaints officer Mrs Sarah Young.
If you are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to:
- NHS England’s Customer Contact Centre, NHS England. PO Box 16738. Redditch. B97 9PT. Telephone 0300 311 2233. email:
- NHS England local team, Cheshire and Warrington & Wirral Area Team. Quayside, Wilderspool Business Park, Greenalls Avenue, Stockton Heath, Warrington. WA4 6HL.
- The Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank London SW1P 4QP, telephone:0345 015 4033or for complaints about the NHS treatment
- The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ (the dentists’ registration body) complaints service 08456120540
- The Dental Complaints Service, The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Greater London CR9 2ER (Telephone: 08456 120 540) for complaints about private treatment
We operate a variable recall interval for our patients in accordance with guidelines issued by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). This means for patients with good dental health we may only need to see you once a year rather than every six months. Conversely for some patients with high decay rates or gum disease we may see you every 3 months.
We provide a text message service to remind you about your appointment or recall so be sure you give us your mobile phone number and inform us if it changes. Alternatively we can arrange to send you letter when your recall is due.
Cancelling Appointments
If you need to cancel an appointment for any reason could you do so as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours prior to your appointment, in case of any emergency we appreciate that this cannot always be the case.
Due to pressure on our services, we will refuse to make further appointments for patients who persistently fail to attend. If you fail to complete a course of treatment within a reasonable time due to a missed appointment then a new charge may be payable when you return for treatment.
Congleton Dental Centre we take patient confidentiality extremely seriously. Your personal information is treated in the strictest confidence. Only members of staff have access to patient information. All our patient records are securely stored at our practice to ensure that any patient information is only accessed as part of your treatment. No information will be released to a third party without your express permission or where required by law. We have a strict confidentiality policy. To see a copy of this policy or if you would like further information regarding your rights to view your patient records please ask at reception
Data Protection & Privacy
This practice complies with the Data Protection Act (1998) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. This means that we will ensure that your information is processed fairly and lawfully.
We need to keep accurate personal data about patients in order to provide you with safe and appropriate dental care. We also need to process personal data about you if we are providing care under NHS arrangements and to ensure the proper management and administration of the NHS.
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